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Created by David Kettinger
Created on Aug 30, 2016

Make notebooks more interactive for Aha application users

There is an existing idea that is not likely to be implemented where people without Aha accounts would be able to click on links in notebooks and get more information (  What about being able to click on those links ad get to them for someone who does have an Aha account? 

In our process, we take snapshots of information (e.g. a scope of work) and send that via a notebook to our Engineering group for review.  It basically amounts to fixed working list of items that people (who have Aha accounts) will use to go look up more information.  Right now they manually go look up that information by searching the feature ID.  It would be much more convenient if they could just click on the feature ID and go right to the information.

I do realize that's what views in Aha are for.  However, views are just that - views.  They are dynamic, which is great most of the time.  In this case I want to ensure that the content of the view doesn't change.  i.e. a snapshot in time


User story: as a stakeholder WITH an Aha account, I want to be able to click on items in the notebook published as a webpage or a PDF and have it bring me to the relevant location within the Aha application.

    Oct 6, 2021

    New! Interactive roadmap presentations

    You can now preview record details when you share a roadmap or report via an Aha! presentation or webpage. Check out the blog post for more details.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Apr 12, 2019

    we would switch to an enterprise account, so whole company could have reviewer access and then click on releases in notebooks to see details on descriptions, timeline, etc...  Especially valuable from pivot reports

  • Laura Giles
    Oct 22, 2018

    users also requesting this ability for monthly interlock reports/notebooks

  • Frank Goettert
    Jun 18, 2018

    In the notebooks about 2 weeks ago the Notebooks had links depending on the data field shown. We use the reports a lot in meetings and clicking on the link we were able to do changes, To-Do or add comments immediately that had been discussed in the meeting. Our management now copy the Ref # into a browser to do such. That is not user friendly at all. I can not understand that it had been removed. This jeopardize the usage of our upper management team and risk the value of the Aha! tool for them. In my view this being removed is a big big step backward towards Excel Spreadsheets. Please enable again as soon as possible.

  • Guest
    Feb 2, 2018

    I'd also love this for stakeholders who don't have an Aha acount

  • Guest
    Apr 18, 2017

    I agree - Specifically, I use the "Feature Roadmap" and publish it in a notebook. It would be nice for internal users with Aha access to be able to click on each feature to get the details beneath it.


Clickable features - as hyperlinks only - in notebooks

Hello, I would like to escalate this idea: Right now the clickability works on right mouse click - as hyperlink directly to AHA. Can you please make it work also on left mouse click - and make it configura...
Daniel Pokrývka almost 7 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Clickable Records in Notebooks

As a stakeholder WITH an Aha account, I want to be able to click on records in a notebook report or roadmap for more information, so that I can stay informed. Basic reporting functionality would allow us to have all records be clickable back into...
Guest over 6 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Make features linked in features roadmap presentation view

When you publish the the notebook which contains view from features roadmap only initiatives are linked. I want the features to be linked as well, so whoever has access to Aha, he can click on the feature and see all the details about it.
Kote Khutsishvili over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped

List reports do not show hyperlinks when added to notebooks

I have a list report of Ideas which is part of a notebook. However, only the "Score" column is recognised as a hyperlink (i.e. clickable), but the Idea URL field (and summary fields) are not. I would like users/viewers of the notebook to be able t...
Jonathan Mathews over 7 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Interact with Notebooks (Add comments, update, etc)

I use Notebooks to streamline team meetings EVERY DAY and focus on the items that we are discussing and then send a link to the Notebook Webpage to the team so they can review updates/notes/etc. However, during the meeting (and for the reviewers a...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped