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Share your product feedback

Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-6518 Reports and Roadmaps templates.

Roadmap templates

Producing roadmaps in Aha is easy. Sharing with other teams and stakeholders is a challenge, particularly Sales, as they have their own Powerpoint templates that they like to use with customers - see attached Sales template.

I send Sales a link to a secure webpage where they can view a pivot roadmap (example -, that simply shows some releases and the backlog on one page - they then cut and paste the information into the Powerpoint template! What would be cool would be if one of the export options could be that PowerPoint template or even one of your templates that you wrote about recently (example attached) -

We manage about 10 different roadmaps, so it would be more efficient and professional if Product can provide the information to sales in one Powerpoint with 10 slides in the right format from the outset.