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Having "Deactivate" option for Custom Field values

We are struggling with the lack of "Deactivate" option for the existing Custom Field values as sometimes we need to keep the field value, but simply deactivate it rather than deleting it, or replacing it with an existing value.
Guest about 4 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Allow linking of existing features from inside a release

As a product manager when I create a release I want to be able to select existing features from the parking lot to include in a release.
Dan Molloy about 8 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

For idea PORTAL USERS - Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run

For idea PORTAL USERS - Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run I'm currently trying to create a list of my ideas so I can track them against previous I...
Charlene Brennan about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Integrate with Bugsnag

We use Bugsnag to detect and diagnose bugs & issues. It would be great to link these directly with Aha, similar to how it integrates with JIRA, GitHub, Trellor, PivotalTracker. Bugs and issues are a key part of the roadmap.
Guest about 8 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement

Microsoft Teams - (365), allow presentation of notebooks or roadmap slides

Microsoft Teams is now available and currently supports hooks for Aha for data feeds. Microsoft Teams also supports the ability to populate a Tab. Currently they have support for the VSO Kanban board, Power BI, Excel, etc. It would be great if you...
Guest about 8 years ago in Integrations 0 Already exists

Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run

Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run I'm currently trying to create a list of my ideas so I can track them against previous Incidents or get people t...
Charlene Brennan about 8 years ago in User management 2 Already exists

Show the remaining effort value rather than cancelling it when a JIRA ticket is resolved and Aha! ticket gets updated to Ready to ship. It helps in effort planning for future similar tasks

Once a JIRA ticket is resolved and the Aha! ticket status changes to "Ready to Ship", currently, the remaining effort defaults to zero value. It is kind of confusing when doing effort planning for the current sprint and we lose valuable informatio...
Guest about 8 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Toggle Detail and Detail Drawer

After expanding the view of an item from the detail drawer to the full view, there should be a corresponding CTA (call to action) to collapse the detail view back down to the drawer view. I understand that I can click the back button to achieve th...
Tom Beck about 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Will not implement

Would it be possible to not need a paid AHA account to process VSTS updates?

At the moment we have set up the VSTS integration with a paid AHA account as required. This means that all updates come in from that product manager. In the history threads, and the notification emails we get a combination of VSTS updates, and the...
Guest about 8 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Unlikely to implement

Filter the Initiative Rank list to show all open and future items

For PMs with many initiatives in varying states, I need to rank the initiatives against each other as priorities change. In the Strategy > Initiative view, I want to have to show or exclude multiple states or state groups at the same time or to...
Guest about 8 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists