Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run
I'm currently trying to create a list of my ideas so I can track them against previous Incidents or get people to vote and the # is not shown until you drill into the idea.
Requested by a customer.
This currently exists today. In the top left corner of the drawer view of an idea, you can access the Idea number. There is also an "Idea reference" field which you can use on your reports which can allow you to display that information in a customized report.
See my comment. This is not true for a portal user.
As a portal user, on the idea portal, you do not see the idea number until you open the record. The request is to be able to see it in the list of ideas without having to open each one.
Portal users also cannot export their ideas or run a report.
This idea does not exist.
See my picture