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Exclude attachments from ideas

When responding to an email from an idea the email is automatically added to the idea. The issue is that if the users PC has a virus it may automatically send an email with a virus as a PDF attachment. That virus will then automatically be added t...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Portal User privacy/confidentiality management

We want to provide the ability for our customers to share ideas, but also maintain client confidentiality. Masking client names is only possible though CSS and JavaScript which can be circumvented, and doesn't apply to email notifications. A syste...
Wes Gillette over 7 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Add/Remove columns custom table view

When you view a Custom Table, by default all the columns are shown. That makes viewing the table difficult, I would like a way to Add/Remove columns that are displayed for a Custom Table
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Enable me to report on merged ideas as related records

My team is tracking custom fields such as "Customer" on our ideas. When the ideas are merged together, I need to create a report that shows all relevant customers for an idea, including all the ideas that have been merged into it. This is not curr...
Guest almost 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Conditional parameters for viewing feedback in the in-app widget

For b2b web applications, it would be useful to have the capability to filter what feedback a user can see based on a defined parameter associated with the user. As a SaaS application, I only want users in the same organization to be able to see f...
Ronnie Merkel almost 4 years ago in In-app feedback 0 Future consideration

Can we add Treemap in Dashboard?

No description provided
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Ability to add context to to-do e-mail reminders - for ex: Initiative Name - to-do; Release Name - to-do

Aha! sends out the "consolidated" to-do notifications in e-mails which is a nice functionality. However, as the number of to-dos increase from various goals, initiatives, releases the confusion increases as to which context these are related to. F...
Michael Zadda almost 8 years ago in Comments / Notifications 3 Already exists

Custom Field: worksheet 'Equation Builder' error needed

In custom field: worksheet - Is there a way to know if the formula is failing when saving changes to the custom worksheet value without having to double click on the value to open it? Use Case: I renamed the Capital Spend Element “Capital Spend (Y...
Mike Jacobson almost 4 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Ability to add specific field from elements like feature (currently only defaults to feature name for example)

When adding other entities like scenarios to a feature, it is useful if we can associate a feature number rather than the feature name which is the default field when you use the many to many table
Arun Kalyanaraman almost 8 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Don't change case of customized terms in Terminology

As a Product Manager, I want terms to be displayed a certain way so that it communicates my intent. Instead of "feature", I prefer the "PBI" and "Product Backlog Item". My terms, however, get as "Pbi" and "Product backlog item", respectively. I th...
Tom Beck almost 8 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists