As a Product Manager, I want terms to be displayed a certain way so that it communicates my intent. Instead of "feature", I prefer the "PBI" and "Product Backlog Item". My terms, however, get as "Pbi" and "Product backlog item", respectively. I think that if we are customizing the terms, then they should be taken at face value with the exception of pluralizing, such as "PBIs" and "Product Backlog Items", where applicable.
Thanks for the idea!
If you enter an acronym as all caps in your custom terminology, such as PBI or OKR, it is now displayed in all caps. If you use a term with multiple words as title case, it will change to sentence case as you noted.
Same with me. We use OKRs instead of Goals and although I case it correctly in the Terminology, it is displayed with Camel case in the main menu.