Set a filter on a date field in relation to another date field
I would like to be able to filter on a date field, choose a relative condition (like before or after), and specify another date field instead of choosing an explicit date.
As an example, if I want to view a list report of all my features that have...
Matt Bilan
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
I would like to be able to easily do things like: Show me the top 5 votes ideas by our sales team Show me all ideas submitted by our Delivery team I can currently do this by manually selecting each user, but it would be nice to assign a department...
List view of Ideas should be separate for each product
It doesn't make sense to be in a product and see ideas from another. I know that I can filter out what I don't need, but this is unnecessary. If I wanted to make an ideas list of all or multiple products, I would just go to Reports. When clicking ...
about 9 years ago
in Ideas
Will not implement
I would like for hyperlink details in the “Notes” type of text field to give an option to open in a new window or new tab.
When a hyperlink is in the "Note" type of custom field, it always opens the link in the current window. We would like the ability to set an option to open in a new tab or open in a new window so that I don't navigate away from my current page. The...
about 3 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Make Pivot counts clickable to show list of items within that count (GM)
Pivot are a great feature within Aha, but often the user wants to dig deeper into the objects found in each of the counts and the only way to do it is to open the Pivot, switch it to a report and filter. Many of our Pivot users are not Aha savvy a...
Karla Johnson
about 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
click and drag features board background for horizontal scrolling
When viewing a features board with a number of releases, it would be very useful to be able to click the white background and drag left or right to navigate more quickly through the releases feature board—just like you can do in Trello.
It's less ...
about 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
We have to report up to executives on recent releases, current work, and future work. The starter roadmap would be great for this, except I can't add shipped releases to it.
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Add component "Assumptions" to product "Vision" tab.
I know a new custom Vision component can be added, but "Assumptions" might make a good stock one. I'd wager a lot of your user's follow the general philosophy outlined in "The Lean Start-Up" and would benefit from having this component smack them ...
over 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
We are using a custom field for tracking related JIRA tickets, but when viewing the idea in the portal - the JIRA URL is showing as plain text instead of a URL.
Beth Burke
about 6 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Currently notebook security is black and white. You are either the owner, or a viewer. Need the ability to add co-authors who can share in the maintenance of notebooks and preferably have the ability to copy the notebook if they like it. This is a...
Russell Kallman
over 9 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists