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Add component "Assumptions" to product "Vision" tab.

I know a new custom Vision component can be added, but "Assumptions" might make a good stock one.  I'd wager a lot of your user's follow the general philosophy outlined in "The Lean Start-Up" and would benefit from having this component smack them in the face.  Before you can test an assumption you have to think about what they are.  I find my self in the right sort of mindset for this when I am completing the Vision tab, so that is where I'm adding it.  

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    • Ron Yang
      Dec 4, 2015

      Thank you for the suggestion. Assumptions is a good component which is definitely related to the strategy and vision of many products.

      As you mentioned, its possible to fully customize these components based on what you would like to highlight. At this time, we don't have plans on making changes in this area, but of course you can make these changes in your own product.