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When deactivating a user provide links to access the integrations directly

Currently when deactivating a user, the warning message provides the list of integrations to see. It would be helpful if each of those were a clickable link to open the integration or a link to report to those integrations to view/open.
Chris Dauer about 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Ability to filter by 'inherited' in workspace settings report

When making changes to many workspaces at once - like a change of standards or following a reorg' - it's helpful only to report on workspaces where a setting is inherited. List reports include whether or not a setting is inherited but only as a te...
Steve Dagless about 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Include a legend in the starter roadmap

Include a legend in the starter roadmap that includes color codes and symbols (for initiatives, releases, etc.)
Guest about 6 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Adding features from initiatives or whole initaitves in the story map would make life a lot easier

you can add existing records from a releawse or by feature, but adding entire iniatives worth of features is not possible. It would be helpful to be able to do that
Guest about 2 years ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

Handling Use Case of Features Tied to Company Initiatives

Use case: I have a “Test Company Initiative” parent initiative (company level) with child initiatives. Features are linked to those child initiatives. However, there may be one-off features that ALSO need to tie to the parent initiative because th...
Guest about 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Create new User Permission Category between Reviewer and Contributor

Based on our organizational structure and roles and responsibilities the "Reviewer" role does not have enough permission and the "Contributor" role has too much. Specifically, we're looking for a role that removes "add manage strategy" from the co...
Dan Molloy about 8 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Show saved/favourited reports in "search" modal

Overview I have many saved and favourited reports that I use on a weekly basis. I would like to be able to access them easily. Challenge Accessing saved reports quickly Desired user experience Show saved/favourited reports in a new tab in the sear...
Austin Merritt about 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Add 'Move' Function to Feature Action Button

I've come to notice natural behavior of my team to try & move Feature tickets between Products is to go to the Action Button of that record where other misc functionality is. I understand the purpose is to update the Release but it might be be...
Guest about 6 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to Copy Slides in a Notebook

It should be possible to copy one or multiple slides within a single notebook or from one notebook to another
Rachel Loewenthal about 6 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Able to integrate Aha with Mantis

No description provided
Guest about 6 years ago in  0 Unlikely to implement