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Handling Use Case of Features Tied to Company Initiatives

Use case: I have a “Test Company Initiative” parent initiative (company level) with child initiatives. Features are linked to those child initiatives. However, there may be one-off features that ALSO need to tie to the parent initiative because there isn’t a child initiative we need to group it.

Test Company Initiative

  • Child Initiative A

    • Feature B

    • Feature C

  • Child Initiative D

    • Feature E

    • Feature F

  • Feature G

  • Feature H

In this case, there are some bottoms-up reports that have a blank company-level initiative column value which technically is the “roll-up initiative” field because company level initiatives do not have a roll-up initiative.

I would like to have “Test Company Initiative” in the first column and a blank 2nd column, but I can't use a workaround by creating a fake child initiative that ties to "Test Company Initiative" because "Test Company Initiative" will appear in both the Company Initiative and Child Initiative columns which will look odd.

Report (current state):

Company Initiative

Child Initiative



Test Company Initiative

Feature G

Test Company Initiative

Feature H

Another Test Company Initiative

Test Child Initiative

Feature I

Desired Report:

Company Initiative

Child Initiative



Test Company Initiative

Feature G

Test Company Initiative

Feature H

Another Test Company Initiative

Test Child Initiative

Feature I

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