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Consolidate Product Key Results to a Portfolio Goal

What is the challenge? As a senior executive of many portfolios, I need an automated way to compile all related key results so that I can easily see how products are progressing toward my overarching goal. For example: Persona: I'm a Portfolio Man...
Mike Jacobson 15 days ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Individual Work View

What is the challenge? It's difficult for individuals on my team to know what to focus on among all the items assigned to them. What is the impact? Requirements and ideas are not attended to causing poor communication with stakeholders and lack of...
Charlton Bilow 24 days ago in Application / My work 4 Future consideration

Allow partial search containing the feature reference number (prefix) when linking features to epics

What is the challenge? Partial searches do not produce any results when linking features to epics. Partial search does work for the feature name, and does work in other parts of the app. What is the impact? Unable to search for a feature using the...
Leigh Villalovos 14 days ago in  0 Likely to implement

Importing of Workspaces

What is the challenge? When importing new workspaces you cannot show what parent line to add to What is the impact? Workspaces are uploaded without a parent line Describe your idea Please provide the ability to tag the parent line in the import sc...
Justin B 10 days ago in Application 0 Already exists

Support custom Jira Emojis

Jira includes a set of emojis under the Productivity menu that do not translate to Aha! images. Add support for these custom emojis so that rich descriptions can be sync'd between the applications.
Guest 10 days ago in  0 Future consideration

In the Related tab, highlight similar ideas in addition to potential duplicates

What is the challenge? When viewing the Related tab on an idea, there is a section that lists similar ideas. This used to show the top 10 closest matching ideas. Recently this changed to only show potential duplicate ideas, which is often a much s...
Emily Yankush 28 days ago in Ideas 0 Likely to implement

Cross-workspace Initiative ranking using a rank priority view

What is the challenge? It is not possible to use the rank priority view for cross-workspace initiative ranking. What is the impact? We are unable to effectively use the rank priority view for our planning needs. Describe your idea We would like to...
Guest about 1 month ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

The ability to review previously ignored integration candidates and undo the ignore

What is the challenge? Once you ignore an integration candidate, it is ignored forever unless you manually import or link the ignored record. If someone ignores a record by mistake there is no recourse to review those potential errors and correct ...
Stephanie Lechner 2 months ago in Jira 4 Future consideration

Make it easier to identify the correct Goals and Initiatives when setting in downstream records

Who would benefit? Organizations that need to ensure that a large group of users link records together in a consistent way for roll up reporting. What impact would it make? Improved data quality by providing a narrow selection of possible goals an...
Dale Potter 11 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Restrict statuses/workflow for Ideas based on promotion status

What is the challenge? I'd like to have the option to restrict statuses/workflow transitions based on promotion status or non promotion status of an Idea. Specifically, I'd like to turn off the currently default situation in which an idea can be "...
Guest 6 days ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration