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Add a "Create Roadmap" button to the features priorisation page

What is the challenge? I spent a lot of time carefully ranking my features, which works well. Then i have to go and build a roadmap and add all the filters to get it to show the data. What is the impact? It slows me down and I have to repeat steps...
Mike Lowery 4 months ago in Features / Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Enable milestone key dates in epic & enable to be used in custom roadmap

Our team uses releases by a timeframe, not by an individual product release. Thus our release is made up of multiple epics that need a milestone per epic. Please enable a milestone option at the epic level in both the epic & custom roadmaps to...
Steven Schafer over 1 year ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Allow breakdown by Team for Detailed Estimates

The Initial Estimate Field of Epics and Features allows breaking down the effort values by Team. However, the Detailed Estimate Field does not allow effort to be broken down by team. You can only enter a value, but you cannot assign it to a specif...
Valentina Morales over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 4 Future consideration

Gitlab import of issues as features in aha

It should be possible to import issues from gitlab into aha as feature.
Guest about 6 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration

Update workspace name/ID in record-reference-pill

As a product manager working with multiple workspaces, I would like the ability to change the workspace once a Feature has been created and have the new workspace name/ID update the displayed record-reference-pill copy/identifier automatically or ...
Elle W about 2 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Question mark icon for custom fields in custom table

The question mark icon is helpful when you add a description to a custom field. However when I add custom fields added to a custom table, the question mark doesn't show up. This would be really helpful when providing context or instructions for ho...
Nadim Sobhani about 4 years ago in Application 2 Future consideration

Update API integrations with JIRA to add Created Date and Resolved Date

We would like to be able to map the created date as well as the resolved date to fields within aha from JIRA.
Guest over 3 years ago in API / Jira 1 Future consideration

Create a new record type called an "Enabler"

What is the challenge? We want to distinguish between Epics which end up in the product, and Enablers which are required to deliver the product but not a part of the product itself What is the impact? By not having a record type of Enabler, we can...
Guest 4 months ago in Epic 0 Unlikely to implement

Add a shortcut command for entering the current date anywhere in the User Story or Idea

What is the challenge? Entering completion dates for each checklist item and other items (or date needed for any reason) requires a number of keystrokes. What is the impact? A bit of excessive time to make the entry. Describe your idea Create a sh...
David Yelenchic 4 months ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Omit Note heading from PDF export

What is the challenge? I draft beautiful documents in Aha! Notes, but when I want to export them to PDF, the heading of the document also exports into the PDF. This is undesirable, because the Note heading in Aha! is for internal use. What is the ...
Madeleine Black 4 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration