What is the challenge? Currently links behind text are not support in the welcome text of the Aha! invitation email What is the impact? Unable to link to further resources for new users of Aha! Describe your idea support embedded a url behind text...
Adding a filter that can show cases that have changed the verification status from "to Verify" to "Ok" in a given timeframe.
What is the challenge? Pulling out cases that have gone trough verification. What is the impact? Not being able to view how many cases were verified in a certain timeframe. Describe your idea A From-To filter that will filter out cases that have c...
Lazar Petrovic
4 months ago
in Application
Already exists
Show more details to help linking records when there are multiple records with the same name
What is the challenge? When I create release templates and/or copy releases or release phases, I end up with (as you would expect) copies of the children. This is the desired behavior. The issue comes when I try to map dependencies to these childr...
14 days ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Looking for visualization feature similar to the attached document What is the impact? Describe your idea Attached visualization is from a roadmapping solution that i have used in the past. This is a very helpful way to visu...
Senthil G
14 days ago
in Features
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Record displays score & requires click to get to scorecard view What is the impact? Unnecessary click to reveal scorecard Describe your idea Eliminate unnecessary click by showing the scorecard instead of just score that...
Senthil G
14 days ago
in Features
Future consideration
Automation that pulls parent information when child field created
What is the challenge? Currently passing fields from parents to children (epic to feature or initiative to epic) can only be done when the parent is updated. This means when you create an epic under an initiative the fields are not automatically u...
Callum Hockey
26 days ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Bubble chart series not pulling calculated column values
What is the challenge? I've created a calculated column that I would like to reference as the series for a bubble chart however, the calculated column values are not recognized as options in the series on my bubble chart. What is the impact? The b...
Justin Waldorf
27 days ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow idea automation to include submitting organization as a condition
What is the challenge? When an idea is submitted or changes status I want the account team members associated with the customer that submitted the idea to be notified (or added as watchers). This is not possible today, and as a result I have to no...
Alex Horan
5 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Bulk edit workspace sharing permissions on documents
What is the challenge? I have a need to hide a folder of documents in my Knowledge Advanced hierarchy. I am working on a new idea. And I am laying it out in notes under a folder, to keep the thoughts together. I don't yet know how many documents I...
Melissa Hopkins
6 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
As a user of Aha!, the amount white background I stare at is challenging. I adjust my monitors to reduce glare but it's still a lot. Could we have a dark theme to replace the white background as an option for users?
Greg Koeka
over 6 years ago
in Application
Future consideration