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Support sprint retrospective view

Once I have completed a sprint, I want to refer to the detail within the Sprint Planning view. For example, in my sprint retrospecive which happens after a sprint is completed, I'd like to be able to see: Planned estimate Completed estimate List o...
Madeleine Black over 3 years ago in Sprints 3 Shipped

Sync Initiatives with TFS

It would be great if we could have Initiatives sync over to TFS as Initiatives or Epics to get the full hierarchy tracked in both systems. As it stands, we have to manually create initiatives in TFS and then link the Features up to them. Adding it...
Jonathon Leeke over 9 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 3 Shipped

Allow idea portal users to edit the category of an idea

Sometimes our users makes a mistake and picks the wrong category when they share an idea with us. Some of our users has asked for the ability to edit the category. Even though we can do that ourselves from within Aha it would certainly be helpful ...
Tobias Lehtipalo over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 4 Shipped

Mark linked Jira tickets that have been deleted in Aha

I noticed that when deleting a feature in Aha! that is linked to Jira, Aha! doesn't delete the linked ticket. I disagree with your design decision, but the message from support makes it clear that you're firm in that direction. Still, when an Aha!...
Guest over 7 years ago in Integrations 6 Shipped

Display Product value Score on Initiative Record cards in Strategic Initiatives Workflow

What is the challenge? Product value has been added to the initiative layout and appears in the initiatives created. However, in the Strategy/Initiatives/Workflow view, the product score does not appear on the record card, even though the record c...
Guest 5 months ago in Strategy 3 Shipped

Add release filter to Features board

We now have 11 releases + 3 parking lots on our Features board, and I would like to be able to selectively show or hide releases, like I can from the Feature list of Roadmap.
Gabriel Michaud about 10 years ago in Features 7 Shipped

Integration with Box

Just like there is an integration with Dropbox and Google Drive, it would be great to have an integration with Box that allows linking of files hosted in Box instead of uploading them.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Wanted 6 Shipped

Improve performance of custom layout

What is the challenge? In some cases, it can take up to 60 seconds for custom layouts to load. Any time I need to make a change to a layout, it takes forever just to load the page. What is the impact? The long loading times hurt productivity. Desc...
Nathaniel Collum 8 months ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Allow features to be linked to existing JIRA issues

If we already have issues in JIRA that are duplicates of features in Aha! we want to be able to manually create a link between them.
Chris Waters about 10 years ago in Jira 9 Shipped

Initiative view filters and/or columns

As the initiative count goes up, the Strategy -> Initiatives screen becomes less and less useful due to the lack of filters. I see two improvements that would make this feature much more useful to customers that do significant planning (which r...
David Marble over 6 years ago in Strategy 5 Shipped