We are tracking weekly status and comments in a custom table so that we can see patterns (like green-green-green-RED in status to help teams get better at project management). We'd like the status value of the custom table to trigger an update to the status field in the initiative table (to which the status custom table connects) so that the program manager doesn't have to manually update the initiative status every week.
Many automation use cases are now supported for custom tables, including:
Rules for many-many and many-one custom table fields. For example, a 'Components' custom table field.
Rules for custom table records. For example, adding an 'On schedule' record to a 'Progress' custom table can automatically update the status of the related initiative.
If you would like more automation for custom tables, please add a new idea to share your use case or consider one of these existing ideas:
Hi all! We have a use case that could benefit from this as well.
We use Azure DevOps for managing our sprint activity, and we have set up the integration to sync various fields up into AHA for planning and tracking purposes. We've added a custom table in AHA that tracks sprint information for us. (Total Points committed per team each sprint, the running expense for the team, the important dates associated with each sprint.
We'd like to be able to select a one-to-many sprint record on the AHA requirement (we sync this with the AZURE PBI), based on the AZURE iteration path synced to a field on the AHA requirement (PBI).
* Azure DevOps Iteration is set to 22 for a PBI.
* This syncs into an AHA custom field, on the requirement, [DevOps Sprint]
* The AHA requirement(PBI) also has a custom one-to-many field [SprintFromTable] field that links to a record in a custom table [Sprints]
* -New automation request- When [DevOps Sprint] is updated, update the [SprintFromTable to select the custom sprint table record where the [SprintFromTable.sprintnumber] field matches the [DevOps Sprint] value.
We have added an idea to enable Azure Devops syncing directly with the sprintfromtable field, but the automation may actually be more extensible.
After a lot of considerations we decided to use a custom table to keep and manage a global list of "Components" values across all records. The benefit of doing this is that we only need to maintain one single list. However, the more we work with this custom table type field the more limitations we come across. This is another example of a limitation that we hope to see lifted.