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214 VOTE

Integration with Power BI

Would be great to have a premade data service in Power BI so we can use the data from Aha to see progress against other outcomes and data
James Davis over 8 years ago in Wanted 30 Shipped
263 VOTE

Option to make custom fields mandatory / required

No description provided
Guest about 10 years ago in Account settings 48 Shipped

We need the ability to export the email address associated with a user into a reportable format.

What is the challenge? Currently we are unable to see the email address associated with a "user" in the front end of Aha. This is breaking an automation our finance team currently uses the email address for. We have several users with the same nam...
Jeff Krueger 4 months ago in Reports 0 Shipped
235 VOTE

Track changes of the roadmap

I would like to track the changes that were done to the roadmap/specific features. I would like to see who made the change and when.
Guest about 9 years ago in Roadmaps 30 Shipped
226 VOTE

Custom fields for to-dos

IT would be great to have custom field support for to-dos. We use the to do to priortise the tasks between the team, if we had a custom field, this would make sorting and reporting easier. A Comments field against to dos would also be really hel...
Guest almost 9 years ago in To-dos 33 Shipped
184 VOTE

Release and Feature Management Change Log Reports

Product teams are commonly measured on providing a predictable delivery of features for a planned release and need to report on change metrics such as the number of Features added to a release after the release has been approved for development an...
Matt Case over 7 years ago in Reports 15 Shipped

Allow drill down on charts

Being able to display something in a chart but still view some detail behind it is a really efficient way for senior leaders to understand progress/status/other about work that is being done or planned.
Rachel North almost 3 years ago in Reports 9 Shipped

Maintain proper estimate time unit when exporting/importing capacity estimates

What is the challenge? Capacity detailed estimates in time can be in minutes, hours, days or weeks. When I bring the detailed estimate field into a list report, it includes the right time unit (ex 8h) but when this is exported to CSV, this field b...
Max Robbins 3 months ago in Application 0 Shipped
114 VOTE

Allow custom worksheet fields to populate without clicking on field in each record

I created a custom worksheet field for my features, and every row in my worksheet contained formulas that were derived from other fields. The formulas in my worksheet only produce values after I manually click on the worksheet field in every recor...
Spencer Abrams almost 5 years ago in Application 17 Shipped
166 VOTE

The ability to use the same filter more than once in advanced filters

It would be great to have the ability to use the same filter more than once when using advanced filter logic. For example:I want to filter a set of features that all have the tag “Dashboard” but then a subgroup that DON’T have the tag “Admin”.
Jessica Groff about 7 years ago in Reports 35 Shipped