Just like the templates for Features and Requirements, an Initiative template would be useful. The open-ended format of the Initiative is good, as well as the ability to associate goals, etc.., to them. We end up doing a lot of repetition when we ...
We spend all that time estimating and have to reproduce the work when we send the stories to TFS. Please! Make it stop! Setting to a month because this seems like a no-brainer!
What is the challenge? There are a number problems with searching history on the "All history" /audits screen. There are several small improvements that would help. How would you solve it? We filter by time. At the bottom of each result set should...
Chris Waters
10 months ago
in Application
What is the challenge? When converting records from one type to another, e.g. from requirement to feature, the history should be retained. When looking in the history for the new record I should be able to see the changes that also happened on the...
Chris Waters
10 months ago
in Application
Have Custom Layout export views match the on-line layout as opposed to default layout
When exporting an Epic with a custom layout definition to either PNG or PDF format, the custom layout definition is not used. Instead, the default layout is used with the the Overview tab over in the right panel. Since the right panel is a narrow ...
Peter Bongiorno
about 4 years ago
in Epic
Provide ability to delete portal users that have not been verified or accessed the system
If portal users are pre-populated, there will be instances where some of them are no longer with the company, or otherwise never going to be using the ideas portal, and their names should be able to be deleted from the list of portal users. In gen...
Sync record's workspace, Objective, Key Result, epic, and release (name and link) to integrations
What is the challenge? "The use case is so that those working primarily in JIRA can understand “why” they are being asked to deliver “what” has been requested." Which we now need for those of us using OKRs What is the impact? This Idea was impleme...
What is the challenge? Customers would like to configure a custom domain for their KBs. How would you solve it? Allow the user to specify a custom domain, similar to what already exists for ideas portals. What impact would it make? Easier access t...
Automation rule to update already integrated records
Currently, automation rules provide the ability to send an Aha! record through an integration based on the record being updated in a specific way. We would like for the ability to push updates to already integrated records in the same way. This is...