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Categories Application
Created by Chris Waters
Created on Mar 19, 2024

History searching improvements

What is the challenge?

There are a number problems with searching history on the "All history" /audits screen.

There are several small improvements that would help.

How would you solve it?

  1. We filter by time. At the bottom of each result set should be a button "Search back further" that would expand the time search window by say 2 weeks.

  2. If we timeout while searching there is no indication to the user. So it looks like there are no results, which is very confusing. If there is a timeout we should display a button saying "We ran out of time looking for records, try again" that would repeat the search (it is more likely to complete the second time).

  3. There are permissions reasons why we might not show records that are relevant for the search. However this can be very confusing for users who interpret it as there is no data. For administrator users it would be better if we showed them that an audit record exists, but is hidden for permissions reasons.

What impact would it make?

  • Attach files