What is the challenge? Once an Initiative or Feature is in process or released, information needs to be created in our Knowledge Base. This currently involves cutting and pasting from the Overview and possibly the requirements. What is the impact?...
Ellen Runyon
5 months ago
in Features
Already exists
One of our customers has suggested that the introduction to our Ideas portals (contained within the portal settings -> Overview Tab -> General section -> Subtitle field) be collapsible or otherwise be able to be hidden after the first vie...
I'm a Product Owner but I'm also the admin of our Aha account. When I post a comment, I'm doing so as the Product Owner, but the users of the idea portal see the comment as coming from ADMIN. To improve credibility and consistency, I would rather ...
Tom Beck
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Currently we use Confluence PRD documents: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Product+Requirements+Blueprint It would be great if we could find some way to combine this with Aha. Otherwise, we spend time duplicating information from insi...
almost 10 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists
Create Report of Reports to see which reports are shared externally
What is the challenge? I want to build a report of all our reports in order to archive old & out-of-date reports. I especially want to build a report to see all reports that are shared externally as webpages so that I can ensure they're being ...
Eliza Crawford
5 months ago
in Reports
Already exists
Our engineers use Trello which is incredibly easy for them to use, though nowhere near as powerful as Aha. However, like Piovtal, Trello makes it incredibly easy to add comments. You just tap or click into the comment entry input box, just like us...
What is the challenge? When you create a workflow in Whiteboards and use the leaders, the leaders often get completely screwed up later on. I'm using primarily the right angle leaders. When they get screwed up, all of the leaders collapse to the a...
5 months ago
in Whiteboards
Already exists
Allow for us to define the content of an automatic email sent
We lock down our Aha! ideation url to only be accessed from our app. We see that as an important part of keeping our 'secret sauce' secret. The problem is when we promote an idea, our customer get an email with a link that does not allow them to a...
Last Modified by or Last updated by is not avaialble
Last modified by or last updated by at feature level is not available to pull in the report, I see only created by. If this can be added and made available it will help, especially when we troubleshoot integration, system to system comparison of f...
Sasi Ravichandar
almost 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists