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Move to front confirmation to delete comment conversation

What is the challenge? In a note, if you expand an image to a modal pane and then delete a comment conversation on the image, the confirmation to delete the conversation appears behind the image modal pane but remains hidden from the user, who onl...
David 3 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Shipped

Make the "last private comment date" and "last public comment date" for ideas available for reports.

Currently, selecting the "Last idea public comment" gives both the date and comment in a single field, which can't be used in a calculated column. I want to build calculations using the date for tracking SLAs but I'm not able to isolate it in a ca...
Dale Potter almost 2 years ago in  1 Shipped

Aha! Knowledge: option to import Word documents (.docx) in bulk

Use case: to migrate an existing library of hundreds of word documents to Aha! Notebooks there would need to be a simple way to bulk import
Dale Potter over 1 year ago in  0 Shipped

Support bulk-edit of Feature Due Date

We frequently need to change the dates (start date OR due date) on a group of features but there is no way to do this in bulk. It seems odd to be able to bulk-edit some fields but not others. I would prefer the ability to bulk-edit all feature fie...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 7 Shipped

Display Release Progress based on Feature Statuses (other than Complete)

MS Project does a great job of calculating the % completion of a project (aka release in Aha world) based on the % complete of each task and it's subtasks (aka features in Aha world) within the project. The closest Aha comes to this in its various...
Guest about 7 years ago in Releases 3 Shipped

Add page numbers within a Notebook

I would like page numbers in the notebook.
Chris Waters about 10 years ago in Presentations 3 Shipped

Enable Reporting on notes data (Info > Notes)

Reporting on notes would be valuable for supporting the maintenance of a large scale knowledge base. Suggested fields include the following: Note / header name Parent header (if nested) Created by Created on Last updated by Last updated on (e.g. m...
Matt Case over 4 years ago in Notes / Reports 7 Shipped

Report and Notebook 'Dashboard' Needed

As we are building more and more reports across teams and product/product lines, the 'Shared Report' section is getting quite messy and it is becoming increasingly difficult to know which report is which with nothing to go on but the name. This is...
Joe Carpenter about 9 years ago in Reports 2 Shipped

Enable full syncing between Trello and Aha

Currently you are able to send features to Trello from Aha and their status will be updated as they are moved in Trello. However comments and attachments that are added to Trello cards/features do not move to Aha. Enabling this feature would allow...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Trello 9 Shipped

Global ranking among initiatives

We have a need to have a global ranking among our initiatives across products & product lines. Today there is no good way in Aha! to have a forced ranking among the portfolio initiatives. Sorting initiatives based on e.g. score doesn't help ei...
Marcus Gadré about 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped