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Showing 1377

Auto-watch a feature when someone on my team is assigned to it

I haven't thought this out all the way, but with the new team structure, it's somewhat difficult to keep abreast of what people are getting assigned to. It'd be nice if there was a way for me to "watch" other users. For instance, a nice first step...
John Bohn about 8 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Add the linkage features to "To Dos" used with the Release Phases

Using the assigned To Do's to aid tracking of individual task status. Some To Do's require action in sequential order, are dependent upon completion of another individuals tasks. Having the "part of", dependent on, or even subset of linkage option...
Guest about 8 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Would like the ability to reset passwords on behalf of a portal user

This would be helpful as we have just implemented an ideas portal and a lot of users have had trouble setting a password as the only method to create a password is using the Forgot Password link. It would be helpful as an administrator if i could ...
Dale Micallef about 8 years ago in User management 3 Unlikely to implement

Ability to disable "Ideas" option from the "+" menu in the upper right corner

We'd like to limit the creation of Ideas to come in through the Ideas Portal, rather than the existing "+" menu in the upper right corner. The latter is missing the custom fields we have via the portal and is causing a lot of rework.
Suzie Hastie about 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Show Features in Release detail

There is a TON of unused white space in the Release Details view. It would be very useful to have some list of the features in a release on that page - a list, or cards. somewhat relevant to:, which i bel...
Max Cascone about 8 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

get a mac version off line

offline software would be nice for airplane work
Guest about 8 years ago in Presentations 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to drag capacity limit bar in release

We don't always know the capacity for a specific release - we dynamically allocate resources to products based on priority. We also like to hold some capacity for bug fix, research etc. but we want to keep items below the capacity in the release a...
Jesse Stein over 8 years ago in  0 Unlikely to implement

Permission/Security for Creation of Requirements

Not every customer wants to leverage requirements in Aha. For example, here at Intelligrated (a Honeywell company), we are doing roadmap planning at the portfolio level in Aha. What that means is that we create and track Epics (Features in Aha) in...
Guest over 8 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow 2 letters for custom domain

Hi, our company has only 2 letters (Qt) and I'd like to use these two letters for the custom domain Which would be cool since our official domain is :) So for the form requires 3 letters :( Could you change that?
Guest over 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Link To-Do with Phase Date on Release Gaant Chart

Right now, if I move a release forward or backward, the due dates for To-Dos associated with a phase within that release do not change with the move. It would be great if these could stay in sync so assignees know when things are actually do. The ...
Guest over 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement