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Show Features in Release detail

There is a TON of unused white space in the Release Details view. It would be very useful to have some list of the features in a release on that page - a list, or cards. 

somewhat relevant to:, which i believe was closed in error.

    Oct 17, 2016

    Thank you for the request. For a more feature-centric view on your releases, we would suggest using the Feature Details or Feature Board pages. 

    It's also possible to show Features on the Releases roadmap view on the Releases Detail page by adding features to the chart. 

    At this time, we do not have plans to additionally show features on the Releases Detail page based on existing functionality and feedback over time. We hope you can understand.

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    • Max Cascone
      Oct 28, 2016

      Actually I don't understand. The Release Detail view should be an all-in-one area to see the important details of your release, and without seeing the features on that top section - that has SO MUCH wasted whitespace! - you are missing a lot of information. I hope this idea can be reconsidered!