It is soooo challenging to try to describe the issues. It would be great to be able to show a person on the fly as the issues happen. Overall email support is responsive, but there is still a delay of usually 30min to a few hours to get a response.
It would be great if you could allow ticket to be added to releases that have already been released. This is usually just because of a missed item or something. Rather than just removing the release version and have it sit in the backlog in Aha! f...
almost 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Fix Github Integration action buttons / support custom name
currently the github integration supports multiple repositories for a project, however I cannot distinguish between repositories in the action buttons , Use the repository name: Send to githuborg/reponame or support custom int...
Gabo Esquivel
almost 8 years ago
in GitHub
Already exists
Competitors section should instruct sales and maketing team how to position against your competitors
Improve the competitors section by including sections to provide instructions to your sales and marketing teams exactly how to position your product or service in comparison to your competiors
Tony McCoy
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
There is an approval process before a feature/release is record linked (set as a dependency) to another feature/release
This is useful for us since on how we use AHA, its our technical guys who does the linking of dependencies in terms of other features/releases to another. There are internal processes in terms of approval before a certain dependency (record link) ...
We have encouraged our users to vote on ideas however we are finding it would be helpful if we could limit to them voting on a particular status of ideas. We are finding that it is confusing to the users that they do not automatically get their po...
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Idea Submitter has the option to make his/her ideas restricted only to the core company team.
Add a checkmark to allow idea submitter to select if that idea should be open to the general audience or just to restricted teams, even internally to the company.
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement