We design our workflow per "Workflow Approval Design.JPG" that require approval for each status transition. Take "Discovery" for example, 4 approvals would appears in To-Do tab. Approving one of them to trigger status change, and the rest of the 3...
Hank Liu
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to color-code bars in a visual according to the color of options in custom choice fields
I can customize the color of the bars once to match the color of the option in a custom choice list I've applied, but later if the tag is no longer used, and then reapplied, I lose that customization and the color is randomly chosen. This is a pro...
Nadim Sobhani
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
When a user submits an idea to the idea portal, the idea category should auto route this idea to another workspace based on the idea category it was submitted under.
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Integrated icon or color on release column of board views to show integration linked
My users are expected to help keep their roadmap releases integrated to the tools of the engineering team (jira or Azure Devops). They need to link the release to the jira release or ADO iteration path, to keep roadmaps and scope alligned in both ...
Kevin Martin
almost 2 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
provide option to share/pull configuration with/from roadmap in the Develop team configuration
As I add more Dev teams linked to a roadmap configuration, I wish for a configuration choice to rapidly match the workspace workflow and custom layouts between a linked roadmap and dev workspace. Ideally, I could go to either workspace configurati...
Kevin Martin
almost 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
automation rule capability to pull values from object changing and pass to linked object
I wish for an automation rule capability that can detect a change on one object (or a row of a custom table), then take action to assign a value to a linked object (or connected row of connected custom table) where that value comes from the object...
Kevin Martin
almost 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Automation rule on dates should allow for ranges, today etc. vs. an exact date
When creating automation rules around dates, it would be helpful to have options that key off of the date vs. have direct hits on the date. For instance, when date field updates to TODAY, do action. When due date is Within 14 Days, do action. The ...
Jeff Broderick
almost 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Within a goal, the tagged initiatives populate in a table. It would allow for greater visibility if we could customize the columns that are in this table to quickly notate which development team is assigned the work, the domain it falls under, etc...
Blake Falanga
almost 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Make record ID's distinct for records shared with Develop team
When users are notified of Product features that are assigned to a Develop team, the notifications link the users to the Roadmaps board where it originated. On the reverse, Develop features that get assigned to a Roadmaps release, direct users to ...
Stephanie Lechner
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration