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Ability to move comments in an Empathy Session

Want the ability to move comments that may not have been put within the correct thread by the participant.
Bonnie Trei over 3 years ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Remove case-sensitivity of tags

Case-sensitivity of tags is causing the same thing to be created multiple times, and it causes problems with reports that have tag filters on it. While we can merge tags to fix the issue, it's a pain & doesn't prevent the problem from reoccurr...
Guest about 6 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Enhanced User Management Functionality

Who would benefit? Aha Admins What impact would it make? Higher confidence in changes to user access and less time to make those changes. How should it work? In User Management, allow me to select all users in a population and deselect certain ind...
Guest about 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add a 'capability' data record so that I can roadmap by product and/or capability

Who would benefit? Product, marketing, sales, customer success - and mostly customers What impact would it make? Besides just a list of epics and features on a roadmap, everyone would see how those align to enhancing an existing capability or addi...
Deirdre Clarke about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Enhance the views between Epics and Features

It would be helpful to be able to view 'Features' within an 'Epic' in the same way we view 'Requirements' within a 'Feature'; as list with similar functions such as reordering, expanding, etc.
Clare S over 2 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Search for records on the workflow board

Hi Team, is there a way to search the Team Board like you can in the roadmaps workspace, I see the search feature in the sidebar for backlog but not on the team workspace.
Jeff Tucker over 2 years ago in Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

Define master style sheet for Ideas Portals

We have lots of products and lots of ideas portals. It would be really useful to have a master style sheet, which ideas portals can inherit - and also, when a change is made to the master style sheet, for this to be cascaded to ideas portals using...
Julie Edwards over 2 years ago in Branding 0 Future consideration

Allow a change in Feature Rank to trigger Automation

Aha currently provides no good way for us to be aware of when the Rank changes. Knowing what the current Rank isn't good enough. I realize this can be seen in Feature History. But, it isn't feasible to have to regularly check the History of all Fe...
Roger Oliver almost 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Customisation admin access should be granted by workspace, rather than be a blanket permission for all workspaces they have visibility of.

Who would benefit? This would allow us to grant more autonomy to the product managers who can customise their own workspace, while not allowing them to customise all other workspaces they may have some access to. What impact would it make? This wo...
Guest about 1 year ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Calculated mapping of number fields in integration with Jira

We would like to specify a conversion factor or formula to map numeric fields between Jira and Aha! numeric fields, especially a Jira number field and Aha!'s Original Estimate field. This would allow us to enter hours into a Jira number field whic...
Jor Bratko over 2 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration