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Rearranging/sorting Reports Dashboard

As an Aha! user, I would like to rearrange the order of the reports shown in the tile view of the Reports Dashboard. Upon close inspection, I see the "cross-hairs" that allow me to drag-n-drop a tile but it seems to be limited to sorting into fold...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Reports 2 Will not implement

Record Links in Feature History

When a feature has a record link created to it that ties it to another feature, there is the Record Links section which shows the dependencies (depends on, contains, etc.) Well, it doesn't appear that we can see who has linked what records to what...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Features 1 Will not implement

No Score Indicator

I need a way to distinguish between ideas that have not been scored and those with 0 score. Today the system automatically defaults to 0 (instead of blank) and I'm not sure whether the calculated score is 0 or if the idea was scored at all.
Melissa Johnson about 8 years ago in Ideas 2 Will not implement

Pop up messages.Priority messages on both GoTrex and Webagent

It would be good to be able to place a 'Post it note' or priority message on both systems when a client has made an important request (eg, please do not discuss my claim/sensitive information with my employer/broker/family) It would be really usef...
Guest over 8 years ago in Voting 0 Will not implement

Reporting Sort Options for Custom Fields

Categorical values, such as in a custom field with a pre-defined choice list, are by default sorted alphabetically in reports. However, in many instances there's a preferred or implicit ordering of categorical values. For example, the sequence "co...
Matt Case almost 9 years ago in Reports 4 Will not implement

Create Folders in the "attach documents" section on each project

Hi, I'm a big one for attaching documents to my projects. Some projects are starting to look a little messy now with the number of files attached. It would be good to be able to create folders to store the files in i.e. a folder for gate 1 and ano...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Will not implement

Allow Product Owners (not Admins) to configure/add sub Product Lines within Product Lines that they own

In our large organization, top-level Product Line owners should be able to add new, sub-Product Lines without needing Admin access. Admins have the power to change many global settings that could impact the work of others in the organization. I'd ...
Gary Spencer almost 10 years ago in Account settings 4 Will not implement

Integration with iCal

Hi everyone, I think that a great feature for Aha is a integration with Calendar Apps through ical file. Maybe milestones and tasks appear in this integration. Bests,Joao
Guest almost 11 years ago in  1 Will not implement

Allow a user to create and Save their own custom Shapes, Menus, etc in Mockups

Allow a user to create and Save their own custom Shapes, Menus, etc in the mockups section.
Guest over 6 years ago in Mockups 0 Will not implement

Move attachments (mockups) from feature to requirement

In the process of defining features, I create mockups and attach other files supporting the feature. Later, I'll break down the feature into product backlog items and I use requirements for that. It would be so awesome if there was a way to move a...
Tom Beck almost 7 years ago in Features 2 Will not implement