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Showing 9173 of 9173

Calculate progress based on to-dos AND features

It would be helpful if we had the option to calculate progress on release phases (and releases) based on to-dos AND features together, vs. needing to choose one. For us, release planning is an holistic process that includes both the technical aspe...
Reut Levi over 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

When sending a Feature to JIRA, automatically move the new JIRA epic/story into the JIRA project's Backlog

When we sync Aha! Features into JIRA, we're ready to begin planning sprints that will include the resulting JIRA epics/stories. Extend the JIRA integration so when new epics/stories are created from Aha!, automatically move them into the JIRA proj...
Guest over 10 years ago in Jira 1 Already exists

Add a Search URL to support Chrome Search Engines

For all of my commonly used web applications (JIRA, Salesforce, Confluence) the search results are on a page with a specific URL. This allows me to create a Chrome 'search engine' so I can search without first navigating to the app. For example, I...
Michael Prescott almost 3 years ago in Search 2 Already exists

Gantt Chart Sorting Options

Some addtional options for sorting would be nice on the Gantt Chart view... Epics Rank Features Score Dependencies (blockers first, then features blocked by those etc, no dependencies last?)
Joe Hart almost 3 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

When a feature is added to a release, automatically set the start date of an epic/feature to the release's start date

As a contributor, I would like to be able to set the start date of an epic or feature to the start date of a release when a feature is added to a release so that charts and roadmaps make sense. I would also like to have the capability to set the d...
Ronnie Merkel over 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Create an idea on behalf of a user (while using the Zendesk integration)

It'd be really nice if it didn't create the idea as the Zendesk user and just have it show up as a vote from the person who submitted the ticket. Really it should show up as that person who created the idea instead of the analyst who has their Zen...
Jake Spirek over 9 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Already exists

Control which fields a Develop user can update in a record in a Roadmaps workspace

Currently when an Aha! Roadmaps record is assigned to a Develop team that gives anyone with contributor permissions in the Develop team access to edit any field on the record (even those in the Roadmaps layout). I'd like a way to control this more...
Erin Ward almost 3 years ago in Account settings / Development 1 Future consideration

Pivot Chart: Expandable Rows / Group by Rows

When you create Pivot you would like to have totals per groups and be able to expand 2nd level columns to see further detail. If I have a PivotTable which is showing information on Epic Level, I would like to expand this column so that I can see t...
Christophe Bucheli almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Change the prefix of a Team

Workspaces allow users to update/change the name AND the prefix. Similar for a Team I would like to change the prefix of the team. right now the only work around is to delete the team and rebuild everything.
DataGuy almost 3 years ago in Account settings / Development 0 Future consideration

Shrink timeline in gantt chart for unscheduled Capabilities

Would like a way to have the timeline for capabilities without a start/end date (aka, sitting in a parking lot) to not span an entire timeline. As it is, it looks more like it’s something that is going to take a long time, versus something that is...
Guest about 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration