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123 VOTE

Templates for presentations

Default templates for typical stakeholder views (e.g.: senior management) based on best practices *and* ability to create templates at account or product level so users can create notebooks more easily. This will also help ensure consistency acros...
Guest over 10 years ago in Presentations 12 Future consideration

Sort options in charts

Currently, charts are sorted in alpha/numeric order along the X axis. I would like to sort the data based upon the cell value from high to low so that group Z with the highest value is listed on the far left or right side of the chart, then the re...
Phil Warden almost 4 years ago in Reports 5 Future consideration

Ability for a "Reviewer" to change status of idea assigned to him

What is the challenge? When a Idea is assigned to a person who is a Reviewer to implementation or change he should be able to change the status of Idea What is the impact? LARGE Describe your idea Reviewer should be able to change Status
Guest about 1 month ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Improve Ideas Screening Transparency

What is the challenge? Remembering that, typically, end-Customers giving f/b or suggestions -- and product owners/managers -- are unknown to one another. End-Customers value transparency in the treatment of them and the suggestions they make. Curr...
Guest about 1 month ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow epics to inherit prioritisation scores from features

What is the challenge? We prioritise features, not epics. However, it's still useful for many reasons (e.g. reporting) to have a prioritised view of epics as well. There's no way that we will spend the time to score epics separately though. What i...
John P about 1 month ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Automation that pulls parent information when child field created

What is the challenge? Currently passing fields from parents to children (epic to feature or initiative to epic) can only be done when the parent is updated. This means when you create an epic under an initiative the fields are not automatically u...
Callum Hockey 2 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Bubble chart series not pulling calculated column values

What is the challenge? I've created a calculated column that I would like to reference as the series for a bubble chart however, the calculated column values are not recognized as options in the series on my bubble chart. What is the impact? The b...
Justin Waldorf 2 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Remove +1 vote added on idea submission for submit-only portals

What is the challenge? Our team has a process where we gather customer votes through a submit-only portal throughout the year, then at the end of the year we open up these questions for voting w/ a vote limit to our customers' designated voters. C...
Max Robbins 4 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration
113 VOTE

Aha user management (groups, "mail to" communications, etc)

I would like to manage a large group of users (mostly commenters and reviewers) with some additional user management tools including: 1 - user groups - the ability to create groups of users and then assign product permission, workflow board visibi...
Guest over 9 years ago in Application 13 Future consideration

Allow @mention in Note field

What is the challenge? We use the 'Note' field throughout our record types, including Goals, Initiatives, Features, Requirements, etc. While we can use To-Dos, it would be easier for many of our use cases to @mention someone directly in the field ...
Jon Ragsdale 8 months ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration