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Bulk delete users added through SSO who will not be allowed product access

We have several hundred users in Aha! who have been added because they saw the Aha! icon on our SSO portal and were curious to know more. This has built up over the recent weeks and requires a lot of effort to delete each user individually when th...
Chris Brooks over 5 years ago in Application 2 Future consideration

Option to show unique data points on a custom roadmap, rather than duplicates, when multiple fields are specified

Adding multiple fields to a cell in a custom roadmap report causes multiple repeating bars to be shown (one for each distinct value). See screenshot for illustration.It would be great if these values could be shown inline. Much like they are on th...
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Provide email notification capability to inform external stakeholder when release dates change

When we manage our roadmaps, managing the release date is most critical to our customers and partners. It would be very helpful to have reusable external watch lists (like already exciting on releases and other areas) and send them an email when t...
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

Add option to "calculate from remaining estimate" in product line

I find this calculation the most accurate one and I want to place it in the highest hierarchy (company parent line) so that it can be inherited to all the workspaces in my account. Today, this option is available only in workspace level. Which mea...
Ronit Binshtok almost 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Add Description fields for Initiatives as a filter option in reports

Add Description fields as a filter option in reports. MVP options "is blank" "Is not blank" so we can find object records where the description is not filled in.
Eric Cannady almost 3 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

HTML Product Pages

Add the ability to paste HTML code in the WYSIWYG editor on Product Overview and Product Notes pages. Ultimate goal is to be able to create beautiful product pages.
Michael Morrison over 8 years ago in Notes 0 Unlikely to implement

Tab ordering when adding a requirement makes it difficult to return to the title

Who would benefit? Keyboard users What impact would it make? Improve requirement adding experience. How should it work? When adding a new requirements, when you press shift + tab from the description field, it should go to the title and not the pr...
Will Lawrence 11 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Allow selection of which dashboard filters to use, instead of just on/off "use dashboard filters"

Who would benefit? Anyone merging information from different workspaces, timeframes, or other categories of data. What impact would it make? Allows one dashboard to be more flexible for multiple use cases. How should it work? Instead of a single c...
Kim Bremer 11 months ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Add Visual Effort Indicator to Features on Starter Roadmap

Our business stakeholders, rightfully so, need to understand the level of effort involved in the various items on our roadmaps. At the most basic level, this equates to showing them the number of developers involved in a given item (epic/feature),...
Guest over 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Google Drive: Access to Shared Folders

Currently the Google Drive integration only supports access to the My Drive folder. It would be extremely helpful if the integration supported access to any Shared folders in the Google Drive as well so that users don't have to copy files from the...
Guest over 7 years ago in Integrations 5 Already exists