One of our customers has suggested that the introduction to our Ideas portals (contained within the portal settings -> Overview Tab -> General section -> Subtitle field) be collapsible or otherwise be able to be hidden after the first vie...
Currently we need to delete 1200 users that are inactive. Taking on this endeavor 1 by 1 is timestaking and tedious. Would be great if we could bulk delete. There could be multiple ways to verify this is correct to ensure that no one could uninten...
Shawna Wilson
about 4 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Allow for us to define the content of an automatic email sent
We lock down our Aha! ideation url to only be accessed from our app. We see that as an important part of keeping our 'secret sauce' secret. The problem is when we promote an idea, our customer get an email with a link that does not allow them to a...
Hide 'sign up' link on login page for private portals
Who would benefit? Customers What impact would it make? Cut down on support questions How should it work? If the portal is configured as a private portal, currently the user still see's the "sign up" link on the login page. If they click this they...
Mark Evans
over 1 year ago
in User management
Future consideration
There is a lot of flexibility with the user permission settings. As an administrator it would be nice if I could impersonate a user to identify possible issues. This feature is found in other applications in the market.
over 10 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Reviewer role should not be able to change idea status
There is a good use case documented for Reviewers to be able to edit ideas they've submitted in an ideas portal ( However, allowing them to change the Status of that idea is not a good idea. This is and s...
Michael Tucker
almost 5 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Please add a forgotten password option to the Ideas Portal login page; so that users can self serve for password resets.
If a user has been issued an invite, but not set a password, the link should also re-issue the invite / allow them to create p...
Mark Evans
over 5 years ago
in User management
Already exists
Allow idea portal SSO to use the main account SSO for auth
I would like the option to reuse the SSO from the main Aha account SSO for any idea portal we create. So in the idea portal SSO tab, you could pick the Aha account SSO to use for auth on the portal. My struggle at the moment is to have our securit...
Brian Carr
over 8 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Allow Reviewers to receive notifications when new ideas are added to an idea portal
Currently, an Admin can add a Reviewer as a Watcher to any new ideas shared in an idea portal. To eliminate the need for this, allow a user to update their notification preferences to include newly submitted ideas in a portal. Even further, allow ...
Jeff Whitney
about 5 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Unsubscribe option on weekly idea portal notification email
This is a very basic, fundamental requirement of any scheduled email distributions for the user themselves as a self serve option... and not an expected admin operation.
Jeff Shaffer
over 1 year ago
in User management
Already exists