We have a lot of products set up in Aha and for various reasons, need/have lots of Ideas Portals. Currently it is time consuming to set up new ideas portals. It would be much quicker to be able to copy an existing Ideas Portals (e.g. the design el...
Julie Edwards
almost 6 years ago
in Branding
Ability to customize branding, message and "from" field for email notifications from Idea portal
I've setup my ideas email (ideas@cielocinema.com) so that customers can submit product ideas. Unfortunately, the email confirmations and updates from the idea portal do not have my branding. I would like to be able to customize these notifications...
Ability to modify Ideas Portal email invitation template
I would like to be able to modify the Ideas Portal's initial "You've been invited..." email in the same way that I can modify all other emails that the Ideas Portal sends to my users. I would also like the ability to modify the "from" address to r...
Cathy Sherwin
almost 9 years ago
in Branding
Ability to change terminology in ideas portal for remaining labels: "Recent", "Trending", "Popular", "Sign Out"
The ability to change the terminology used on the ideas portal is really powerful but I would like the ability to modify a few remaining labels. This will help for further personalisation or even when changing the text labels to a different langua...
Justin Woods
over 8 years ago
in Branding
Ideas portal: remove Aha branding when "something went wrong"
TL;DR: if an ideas site has a custom logo, please make the error page as generic as possible with no Aha branding. Bonus points: use our logo for the error page, but don't ask people to contact us! Details: our various Aha-powered Ideas portals we...
Brian Trombley
almost 4 years ago
in Branding
Would be really nice to be able to add a custom favicon to our ideas portal, so that it matches our other sites and branding. We have done this ourselves with our customer apps, and it was fairly straight forward and very well received by our cust...
Richard Harrison
about 10 years ago
in Branding
Additional documentation around removing an Idea Portal Custom Domain
While there is documentation on adding a new Custom Domain for an Ideas Portal, there is no information on how to actually remove one once it has been created. https://www.aha.io/support/roadmaps/strategic-roadmaps/ideas/customize-ideas-portal-url...
Lori Anderson
over 4 years ago
in Branding