We have a lot of products set up in Aha and for various reasons, need/have lots of Ideas Portals. Currently it is time consuming to set up new ideas portals. It would be much quicker to be able to copy an existing Ideas Portals (e.g. the design elements, the customer css, the email templates) rather than copy/paste from an existing portal to a new portal.
Now you can quickly create a new portal that is configured just like an existing portal.
Go to Settings > Account > Ideas portals. Find the portal you want to copy then click its More options [...] menu and select Copy. Doing so will duplicate the portal's settings and create a new portal configured nearly identically. Read here for more details.
A true value add with incorporating this option. Would save a lot of time and seems like a big miss in the original design.
I support this. Setting a up a new portal can take a lot of effort so re-using existing portals as the basis of a new one is very useful.
We are using a submit only portal for internal ideas use but the drop-down list of products is becoming excessive so I’d like to create another version and split the products between them to shorten the list. In effect it's like having a "load-balanced" portal - exactly the same but with different products.