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Push mock-ups from Aha! to Jira plugin

We create UX/UI mock-ups in Aha!, and I would likedevelopers to be able to see them after the feature is pushed into their Jira backlog. I noticed that both Aha! and Jira use for mockups. Is there any way Aha! can upload mock-ups associate...
Guest about 6 years ago in Jira 4 Future consideration

Calculated mapping of number fields in integration with Jira

We would like to specify a conversion factor or formula to map numeric fields between Jira and Aha! numeric fields, especially a Jira number field and Aha!'s Original Estimate field. This would allow us to enter hours into a Jira number field whic...
Jor Bratko over 2 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

use Jira credentials of the user to record changes in Jira

In the Aha! user profile, request the Jira credentials of the user. When making updates to Jira tickets, use these credentials so that we can see in the JIra ticket who actually mae the update. Kendis does this.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Integration with JIRA needs better Error handling support

Aha! integration with JIRA does not notify users on errors that would have happened during the integration (i.e. push/pull). This keeps the users in dark on what would have gone wrong and requires manual intervention to detect errors.
Guest over 5 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Capability to tag JIRA users

As a user with an integration with JIRA, I want the ability to @ users in my feature, requirement, or comments in Aha and the @ will sync to the JIRA users available so they can receive a JIRA notification. Our dev team does not use Aha notificati...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications / Jira 0 Future consideration

Add the "[Updating]" tag to Integration Reports where applicable

When you make a change to an Integration being used as a template by other workspace/integrations, while the update is progressing through the dependent workspace/integrations sometimes you see an "[Updating]" tag next to the name in the left navb...
Jor Bratko about 4 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Teach aha custom fields to auto-update its list of values based on JIRA custom fields

Dear aha, we have custom fields in JIRA, that we would like to keep in sync with mapped custom fields in AHA. Good example is a list "Country". We have that as global jira custom field with specific value list enabled per jira project. Whenever a ...
Daniel Pokrývka over 5 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Ability to use "belongs to" relationship in Aha to map to "is contained by" link type in Jira

I don't see a way to connect Aha's "native" record hierarchy to a similar hierarchy in Jira. Using epic --> feature as an example, if I select the parent epic while editing a feature, that creates a "Belongs to epic" relationship under that fea...
Gene Lewin almost 3 years ago in Jira 1 Already exists

Make JIRA webhooks URL specific

Currently JIRA webhooks function globally which means we cannot have separate webhooks with filters from multiple Aha workspaces to one shared JIRA project. In this use case there is a large offshore team that is shared by several products within ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Set Dates of Feature Based on Status in JIRA

I'd like to see the Aha!/JIRA integration be updated to have an option to set dates of features (and possibly other items) based on Status that is in JIRA. Example: I create a Feature in Aha! and integrate/export to JIRA When Feature (referred t...
Aaron Kremin about 7 years ago in Jira 0 Unlikely to implement