I don't see a way to connect Aha's "native" record hierarchy to a similar hierarchy in Jira. Using epic --> feature as an example, if I select the parent epic while editing a feature, that creates a "Belongs to epic" relationship under that feature's linked records in the feature's related tab. That feature is also then listed in the "Features" box on the parent epic's Related tab.
However, if epics and features are configured to integrate with Jira, I don't see a way to establish that same parent-child relationship between the linked records in Jira, specifically with a contains / is-contained-by link. I realize that you can map the Aha contains link with the Jira contains link, but that requires a separate link to be established and that separate link does not have any of the "special" features of the belongs-to relationship, such as the ability to group roadmap rows by the parent record, showing the "child" records in their own named box on the parent record's Related tab, etc.
If anyone has found a work-around to this, or even if you have a similar desire, would love to hear about your experiences in the comments. Thanks!
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