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Ideas portal

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Upload banner image to customize Ideas Portal branding

What is the challenge? It's difficult to implement a basic customization, such as a banner or hero image, to the Ideas Portal without using custom CSS. Additionally, any 'img url' in custom CSS must point to an image that is hosted on a public-fac...
Guest 5 months ago in Branding 0 Future consideration

Lock a Category to admin users only

What is the challenge? Users changing categories What is the impact? Incorrect categories have to continuously be corrected. Describe your idea An option to lock a Category to admin users only.
Guest 6 months ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

Control display of Idea Template content on portal home screen

What is the challenge? The home page of an ideas portal includes summaries of ideas. When that portal is configured to use an Idea Template, the body copy of that template is included in the summary. This is then repeated for every entry. It's hap...
Rob Hale 6 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow idea automation to include submitting organization as a condition

What is the challenge? When an idea is submitted or changes status I want the account team members associated with the customer that submitted the idea to be notified (or added as watchers). This is not possible today, and as a result I have to no...
Alex Horan 6 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Segment tags by individual workspace or workspace folder hierarchy

What is the challenge? We now have dozens if not hundreds of colleagues across the business using Aha! who have been creating and using tags. Because tags are universally accessible by all organisational users of Aha!, this now makes it impossible...
Ian Babelon 6 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow admins to control the frequency of the Ideas portal summary email

What is the challenge? Due to our planning and release cadence, Ideas do not change status very frequently. Customers receiving weekly emails in which there is not change in status are reminded that their ideas have not moved and end up less satis...
Alex Horan 6 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Remove account/company name from portal email sender address

What is the challenge? If a company configures their email account (Ex.Gmail) using the same company name that they use for their Aha! account subdomain, emails sent via an ideas portal may display a phishing warning. This may occur because the fr...
Chris Quigley 6 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Show embedded views in notes published to portals

What is the challenge? when a Note is defined in the system including Aha! Views this is displayed correctly to users with Aha! named licences (Ideas Advanced) within the application. However if the note is published to a portal, the embedded view...
Martin W 6 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Publishing Reports on Portal Custom Pages workflow is not intuitive to the user

What is the challenge? As a new user of Aha! and after having read the release notes it is stated that Reports can be published to Ideas Portals. However, the documentation on the Aha! Knowledge Base and application settings are not consistent wit...
Martin W 6 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Option to sync layout between idea portal and idea record

What is the challenge? Often when I am creating an ideas portal, I want the ideas form I set up in the portal to have the same fields show up automatically in the idea record. However, I currently need to also customize the idea record's layout in...
Max Robbins 6 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration