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Ideas portal

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Create an idea on behalf of a user (while using the Zendesk integration)

It'd be really nice if it didn't create the idea as the Zendesk user and just have it show up as a vote from the person who submitted the ticket. Really it should show up as that person who created the idea instead of the analyst who has their Zen...
Jake Spirek over 9 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Already exists

Ability for a customer to group or annotate ideas

A customer has asked for the ability to create an arbitrary group of public Ideas beyond those he created, voted on, commented on, or subscribed to that is visible to other customers. This would allow him to identify ideas around a specific intere...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Rebranding of Ideas Lab (specifically Portal URL)

When a portal URL is changed, all existing URLs used to reference Ideas will no longer work. We would like to have a way to in tool reroute to the new domain if older link is used. See Example below: Old Portal URL: New Po...
Peter Segre over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

external and internal user metrics

We need a way to view workspace owner and user activity in a report. This view exists in user history, but this is not shareable. I need to share with leadership how the tool is being used. Combine user history and contact view, to provide per use...
Guest over 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Better filtering by product/workspace in the ideas portal

I just noticed that when you have a multiple-product portal, the filtering by product does not affect the filter status count. However, when you use the search text field, it does filter status and product/category counts. See attached screenshots...
Stephanie Redl over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Mails from the Ideas Portal are not compliant with GDPR legal stuff (especially in Germany)

In Germany, all mails from a company must meet certain minimum standards. For example, it must be possible to unsubscribe from a mail notification and the company legals stuff need to be at the end. There are the following problems with the mails ...
Chris almost 4 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

Ideas portal search: provide options to sort results

It's unclear how Aha decides to sort search results on an Ideas portal. As an end user, I want to be able to sort by: Vote count (highest at top - I would likely make this the default) Time (most recent at top) Relevancy (whatever Aha believes are...
Brian Trombley over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Track time to respond to an idea

We have SLAs in place to make sure we respond to ideas in a timely manner so it would be good to easily track the number of days between an idea being created and the first public comment being left on it. There is a column for public comments but...
Peter Whisenant over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Custom Field formatting enhancements on Idea portal for prefix to display and decimal for both the create view and edit view

What is the challenge? How would you solve it? Custom Field formatting What impact would it make? Portal to display formatting on custom fields. Currently it's only a numeric field and in order to communicate to users what information needs to be ...
Karla Johnson 10 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Admin response templates

Based on trends we have seen with idea submission, there is generally a few buckets submissions fall into that require an Admin Response. As such, we have drafted positioning templates to expedite a proper response in these situations. It would be...
Guest about 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration