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Option so that Ideas submitted by public users aren't automatically visible to everyone

Registered Aha users can review the idea prior to making it entirely visible to the public on the public idea board.
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 2 Unlikely to implement

Allow zendesk integration to auto create an idea to Aha that has private visibility vs another other portal with public visibility.

I have an integration with Zendesk into Aha so support personnel in my company can submit ideas to a private/internal ideas portal. I also have a public ideas portal for my customers to submit ideas that all customers can see. My current problem i...
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Ideas Table Exporter

User flow: Ideas, search, then export that list as .csv (would be ideal to do this without saving a view)
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Ability to transfer ideas from on product to another

Some products are sometimes used by others in a given portfolio managed as multiple product's workspace in aha. It happens that a user fills an idea in the wrong product portal (this idea is a wish for the product he/she fills the idea for, but it...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

View information from the Idea and the Feature at the same time

We need a way to either:1) have custom fields entered on ideas, automatically copied over to features when promoted. 2) Create a view/ report that show the information from both the feature and the linked idea? Our use case is that we are using AH...
Gord McNeill over 9 years ago in Ideas 6 Already exists

Multiple queues of Ideas under a Workspace

Instead of just using custom or default fields to filter and segment ideas, it would be nice if under a workspace you could have multiple partitioned queues. We want to use Aha! for all ideas, regardless of type/size, but I want to partition inter...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Able to limit Initiative creation to just promotion from Ideas

The Ideas Portal is a great way to manage what gets onto our roadmap. Ideally, it would be great if we were only able to create initiatives when they are promoted from an idea. In other words, prevent the creation of an initiative in Aha! direc...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Must be able to control which users can change status of Ideas

It's chaos. It is essential that control can be applied to defined fields of Ideas, most obviously, Workflow Status, Score, Assigned to, but the scope should not be pre-determined. A user who is Reviewer, and who can therefore submit ideas throug...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Filter on updated_at for ideas using the API

Currently, the Aha! API allows for filtering on the created date via the “created_since” and “created_before” parameters in most types of API calls. What we’d like is the ability to filter on the updated date with a “updated_since” and “updated_be...
William Hansch almost 5 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Consolidate vote counts of merged ideas

It would be really useful to consolidate the vote counts of all merged ideas into the parent ticket. This would allow an at-a-glance view of how many people really want this feature instead of having to build a report to continue to count the numb...
Yancey Larochelle-Williams almost 5 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists