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Release Porfolio -- collapse/expand all for phases and features

Just a suggestion but in the 'Release Portfolio' view it would be great to have a collapse all/view all button that would open all sub phases (and features) to a releases rather than selecting to open/collapse all individually especially when feat...
Suzanne Vaughan about 10 years ago in Releases 2 Future consideration

Copy/clone from master release template

We use master releases in Aha! since all products are shipped in one package. I set up a master release called template but I can't copy from it because you can only copy a release (not a master release).
Guest almost 8 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists

Ability to assign a workflow to the phases and milestones within a release

I should be able to assign a workflow for the phases and milestones for a given release. I should be able to update the status for each of my phases or milestones so that I can visually see the progress of the release in the Releases > Roadmap.
Tahlia Sutton about 8 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

New Feature In App Announcement Widget

Similar in implementation to the recently released feedback widget that would not be for feedback, but one way broadcast of new features/capabilities to the users of our product, within our product. Aha users would create the content within
Guest about 4 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Add scorecard to record create layout

This would allow us to make the custom scorecard field mandatory to add a record, so users consider the effort expended and impact delivered by a given release.
Danielle A about 4 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Allow team leads to manage workspace releases

Engineering managers & team leads sit "in between" Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Develop. They more than just team owner permissions, but not full workspace contributor permissions. Key use cases Team leads can provide initial estimates on features b...
Jeff Tucker over 2 years ago in Account settings / Development / Releases 0 Future consideration

Add Template Functionality to Master Release

Would like to be able to create Master Release templates that would be applied to a "Master Release" such as at the Product Line level. The template would only apply to the Master Release NOT the Product releases under the master release; as asked...
Andrew Sweet about 6 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Ability to assign release phase length in working days (vs. start/end date)

When you set a release phase/milestone template, you define by duration (days - which I assume are working days but I'm not certain, they may be absolute) but when you are editing phases of a particular release, that information disappears. I'd lo...
Eva Humphrey about 10 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Show releases in descending order in Releases > Details

I typically go to Release > Details when I want to look at a shipped release. I change the "Release Settings" filter to "Show shipped releases". When I do this, it lists the current releases at the top, followed by all of the shipped releases. ...
Emily Yankush almost 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Limit initiative selection to 1 for roadmap clarity

What is the challenge? We have a complex product portfolio and like to produce a roadmap view that shows releases attached to initiatives. The problem here is that we end up with a very tangled roadmap with releases or features flowing into multip...
CJ Jacobs 8 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration