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Strategic Competitor - Tag or Label

What is the challenge? Our company is very large and our product have a lot of overlaps with many companies so competitors. It's hard to quickly list the one who are competitive to a specific domain What is the impact? I spend a lot of time trying...
Guest about 2 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Display the timeframe of an initiative in a record lookup field to discern between initiatives that have the same name but different timeframes

What is the challenge? Initiatives can have the same name but different timeframes What is the impact? In a idea, when you select an initiative using a initiative lookup field, the lookup list to select from shows the same name twice when there ar...
Mike Jacobson 2 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Consolidate Product Key Results to a Portfolio Goal

What is the challenge? As a senior executive of many portfolios, I need an automated way to compile all related key results so that I can easily see how products are progressing toward my overarching goal. For example: Persona: I'm a Portfolio Man...
Mike Jacobson 2 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Strategyzer version of business model canvas template

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea
Guest 3 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Initiative details page > Add the ability to sort initiatives by score

What is the challenge? The features board makes it possible to re-rank features by several fields. This view drives the details view order as well. We need this same capability for initiatives. What is the impact? We use initiatives prioritization...
Nathaniel Collum 3 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Strategic models templates for Lean Product Canvas and Lean Strategy Canvas

What is the challenge? There's a new Lean Product Canvas and Lean Strategy Canvas posted by Jeff Gothelf. Here's a post with more. What is the impact? Teams using Aha! can create their own custom templates for Strategy > Models. Curious if thes...
Craig Pflumm 3 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Easily report on time frame records

What is the challenge? We are reviewing strategic records from past time frame and have to create and configure reports as we traverse through the objects and years. What is the impact? For administrators who are guiding clean-up being able to on-...
Michael Bruner 3 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Import Assigned To field for Initiatives

What is the challenge? A field on the initiative is not available for import What is the impact? We have to manually fill in the field Describe your idea At beginning of year we form our new initiatives and want to set strategy in Aha. We sometime...
Joe Decker 4 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add "Responsible team" as a fixed field on Framework steps

What is the challenge? It is important when defining a Framework that responsibility is set for each step. What is the impact? Without a fixed field for responsible team, you have to embed this information into the description of a step. This make...
Madeleine Black 4 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Allow Objectives and Key Results to be inherited from parent object (Release/Epic/Feature)

What is the challenge? When I set a Release's or EPic's Key Result I need to be able to automate or set a condition that all children are set to the same Objective and Key Result What is the impact? Without this ability Objectives/ Key Results hav...
James L 4 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration