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Product backlog template

Who would benefit? Product managers What impact would it make? Gives place to store running list of products ideas/features prior to refinement. How should it work? It should have tabs to categorize new inputs (team members can add their own or se...
Guest about 1 year ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Sort view competitors by products

My competitors are attached to my master product. However each competitor has one or more "competitors of "I would like to sort my views according to this criterion
zoé dautcourt over 5 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Show Initiatives on Product Overview page

On the Product Overview page, it currently shows Features and Releases. I would also like to see active Initiatives for the product on that page. I tried setting up a custom field, but that is to choose initiatives to attach, not to show currentl...
Max Cascone about 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Global or inherited personas

The new business model and persona builder interface is great, but one of the reasons for specifying personas is that they are commonly shared between products. It would be great if personas could be inherited by child products in a product hierar...
warren lester over 9 years ago in Strategy 7 Already exists

Separate Active vs Completed Initiatives

Who would benefit? Product Line OR Portfolio Product Managers What impact would it make? It would make it easier to organize portfolios of Initiatives. How should it work? Once an Initiative has been completed / achieved, I should be able it shoul...
Frank S over 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Why and how our strategy changed over time?

In Aha! we can see the current snapshot of our strategy. Although the vision shouldn't really change over time, the Business Model does change. The competitor information also changes. When the business model changes, then your goals and initiativ...
Emil Stoychev almost 8 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Roadmap Report - need an ability to manipulate to add logo, disclaimer and copyright and then post to portal or export

Who would benefit? Internal and External Stakeholders What impact would it make? I spend many hours reconfiguring feature names and views to build a roadmap outside of Aha! for sales, prospects and ELT. How should it work? Today, I have to create ...
Maryanne Miller over 1 year ago in Strategy 2 Already exists

Elevator pitch framework for vision

Hey, Let's add elevator pitch framework into Vision or Strategy section? This is MECE and at the same time, the most comprehensive way to communicate your product strategy. Best about it is that it realy takes nothing to implement as it's just two...
Olga U over 4 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Target Market Personas

I do not see anything that covers target market like who would you sell this product to if you are trying to sell to companies. We have user personas but target market personas are different. Like fast food restaurants, department stores, etc We w...
Sherri Anderson over 4 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Link competitor to ideas, features and epics

One of the goals of analyzing your competitors in Aha, is determining differentiators and gaps between product offerings. It would be helpful to link competitors to ideas to map these gaps, and track them through your roadmap if you'ld choose to p...
Guest about 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists