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Aha! Initiative Tracking Number

This will help our users a way to have a tracking number added to the initiatives in Aha! so that we have a better way of identification and searching?
Marina Reyna over 5 years ago in Strategy 5 Shipped

Standard image size for the Persona

As a Product Manager, I need the ability to use a more standard image size for personas, so that I can focus on my product rather than spending time looking for or creating an image that looks good in the unusual 5:1 ratio. Acceptance criteria: ...
James Hooper almost 8 years ago in Strategy 3 Shipped

Roll up status for Product Line or even Company level initiatives

When I contacted support on this idea few months back, they said it's already requested by someone else and I just needed to vote on it and I did. However, the idea that got implemented in the hierarchy report where status is displayed is complete...
Michael Zadda about 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Improve Initiatives page

Most of my work starts by creating initiatives using the Strategy/Initiatives page. Unfortunately, I find this page not very user-friendly. First, I manage a long list of initiatives, from which I can see only the top 7-8 at first glance and witho...
Zvika Moretzky over 6 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Sorting the competitor list

I have a large number of competitors listed in my strategy area, but unless I drag the list items (not practical given the number in there) I can't sort them (other than exporting and re-importing, which is not a good solution). This makes the lis...
Chris Taylor 10 months ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

View/edit Feature rank in Initiative view

Today on the Initiatives page, when you click on an Initiative to see its Features, the Features are listed alphabetically. It would be better if they were shown in Feature Rank order to easily confirm the prioritization of Features for an Initiat...
Guest about 8 years ago in Strategy 3 Shipped

Copy a Strategic Positioning Template

Provide the ability to move or copy a Strategic Positioning template, similar to the functionality that already exists for moving or copying Strategic Model templates.
Brian Flett over 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

More flexible detail custom field layouts

why? for who? For our product management team to have a nicer way of entering or editing information in custom fields, particularly when we have many custom note fields for Initiatives and Features which we use to create SAFe Epic and Feature canv...
Nick Mariette over 4 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Make persona header images more flexible to resize

Anyone that would like to take a standard image and resize it to fit in the crop area would benefit. With the current set up, I am unable to decrease the size of a 1024x768 image so that more of it (e.g. a complete head) can fit in the crop area. ...
Guest about 5 years ago in Strategy 4 Shipped

Strategy -> Initiatives and goals filter improvements

Instead of having just two categories of All and In Progress why not have: All In Progress Not Started Completed Abandoned Currently, if one wants to add a bunch of initiatives that will not be started for months, they are listed right a...
Suzanne Vaughan over 8 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped