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Created by Guest
Created on Apr 29, 2019

Make persona header images more flexible to resize

Anyone that would like to take a standard image and resize it to fit in the crop area would benefit. With the current set up, I am unable to decrease the size of a 1024x768 image so that more of it (e.g. a complete head) can fit in the crop area. Zooming works great if you begin with a tiny photo, but the opposite does not. It would also be helpful to have the default image sizes for anywhere in the application images are used so we can manipulate in photo editing software.

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  • Megan Sullivan
    Mar 29, 2022

    Being able to have a size that is more conducive to a headshot is also a request from our marketing department as opposed to the wider image (or having both?)

  • Admin
    Julie Price
    Apr 30, 2019

    Our customer success team will reach out to you shortly to better understand your use case and help further. Please feel free to send us a note at if you have any further questions and we would be happy to help. Thank you!

  • Guest
    Apr 30, 2019

    I'm not trying to zoom the image. I'm trying to do the opposite - get more of the image in the crop window.

  • Guest
    Apr 30, 2019

    I have read everything. I would be great to see  live demo of this. That is not how it works for me. Crop window barely moves when I drag handles.