Hey folks - it's useful for us to be able to easily find Features that don't have Initiatives associated with them. But in the Releases Overview you can't filter to just show releases without initiatives.
almost 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
how do I create an idea just for my business and not for all of AHA to see?
How do I create an idea just for my business and not have all of AHA see it. its not ideas for AHA but my team listing their thoughts and ideas. Thanks
almost 8 years ago
in Application
Already exists
Warning modal when switching products on idea portal
I am hearing complaints from our field that when people submit an "idea," they sometimes select the product afterwards, thus losing all their work!
Can you add a little warning/modal if someone changes their product on the idea submission saying,...
Nitin Julka
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Ability to attach document after release is shipped/closed
We do post-launch evaluation after a product is released. I'd like to attach that analysis to the release. Once the status of a release is changed to "Deployed," it's Closed and I cannot attach documents.
Analisa Meyer
almost 8 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
I have the ability to change the API keys when creating items, but I don't have that ability in the Customs Table section. My only option right now is to delete the table and re-create it. Not a huge deal but a nice to have.
Mike Irving
almost 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists
Close To-dos when feature status category changes to Will Not Do.
As an Aha! user, I do not need to see To Dos that are children of items having a status category of Will Not Do because I no longer have to do it. The To-dos list on the My Work page should suppress such items that, for all intents and purposes, n...
Tom Beck
almost 8 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Work remaining estimates for releases on show 'committed' items
For capacity planning it would be very helpful if, for a given release, we had some way to indicate which features or requirements were committed to and base the work remaining and capacity limits off of that value.
Right now, the 'work remaining'...
almost 8 years ago
Unlikely to implement
Provide ability to build a dashboard based off release milestones and phases.
We have several phases and milestones per-release for various activities. I want to be able to generate reports/dashboards of these for multiple products & releases at a time.
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists