As an Idea administrator or Product Owner, I'd like the original submitter to be unable to edit the idea that is in-progress or shipped, so it does not look like we implemented their altered narrative. Either admin editable in custom statuses, or ...
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Currently, there is no way to bulk edit users for portal users. As an administrator, I have to perform everyday actions such as Unsubscribe, disable, delete, edit to these users one at a time.
David Willequer
over 2 years ago
in User management
Likely to implement
as a user, I want to be able to include the story map (Name, Description and Step, step sequence) to any report and report type, so that I can group my reporting by the story map information.
Steve Podzamsky
over 5 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Proposing a transition from IP-based to token-based API rate limiting
Who would benefit? I am writing on behalf of Unito, a platform dedicated to enabling seamless two-way synchronization between various software tools. We are actively working on expanding our integrations and are enthusiastic about incorporating th...
about 1 year ago
in API
Future consideration
Master Feature > Add Information to Features Section
Business Need
After creating Master Features I need the ability to see the estimates associated with features in a master feature. For example, today when a feature is associated with a master feature I can see the feature ID, name and status. I ...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Configuration to limit notifications from requirements of features being watched
What is the challenge? Whenever a user watches a feature, they automatically receive notifications for all of the requirements that are created and updated on the feature. What is the impact? Users would be able to limit the amount of unnecessary ...
What is the challenge? managing change requests What is the impact? simplify approvals for specific task types Describe your idea looking to be add template approval types to support various use cases and pull a standard set of information from us...
Joy Fryer
9 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration