Ability to order timeline report items by rank/score/custom/etc
I'm making a timeline report and right now it orders initiatives by the due date, which makes sense. Whichever date is coming up next is the initiatives that sits at the top. However, that doesn't mean it's always the most important on our list of...
Jaclyn Fine
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Export Full Release Roadmap to PDF, JPG, PNG, or HTML
It would be useful to have an export of the full roadmap for offline use, whether it's printed on paper, or simply as a file on a local machine. This would enable us to share the roadmap with people across the organization or in presentations, reg...
over 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
A reviewer is only able to add public comments - they cannot add admin comments and allow their identity to be masked. Provide the ability for any user to make a public comment, but to be able to indicate who it is from. The issue is that we don't...
Is it possible to add a function to print the information in the"My Work" section? I would like to print my TO DO List and ACTIVITIES list with dates, etc.
about 4 years ago
in My work
Unlikely to implement
View previously released feature cards by swiping left
As a: Product Manager
I want: in /products/OL/feature_cards, view previously released feature cards by swiping left.
So that: I can more quickly locate older features, when communicating what we've delivered internally and with customers.
Yes, I k...
Al Sargent
over 8 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Ability to "Resend all Fields" for a Roll-up release that sends all fields for all sub-releases to Jira with a single click
I often change the release date of a master release. And I want the release date for each sub-release to be properly updated in Jira. That currently requires that I click each sub-release, and then click "Resend all fields" in order to update Jira...
Elizabeth Karam
about 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Reviewer scoring of ideas for data driven prioritization
We want to be able to demonstrate to our stakeholders that we are using a data driven approach to prioritizing ideas. As different stakeholders have differing opinions, we want to be able to collect scoring across a set of parameters and be able t...
about 4 years ago
in Voting
Already exists
Create a pricing structure to support larger organisations that cannot pay via credit card and seek multi year agreements and want to model their operating processes using AHA
about 4 years ago
in Application
Already exists
At the moment the Time Zone is set on a User by User basis and this cannot be amended by an Admin. This has resulted in having users in both a London GMT Zone and Central American Time Zones. Which is making it difficult to track when Ideas have b...
Luke Hanson
over 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Allow creating product-specific initiatives from the product line screen.
I have created an initiative for my product line. I now want to create a specific initiative for each product in that product line.
I can manually create each product initiative and link it back to the product line initiative and it will appear in...
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Will not implement