What is the challenge? The current lack of pop-up notifications or alert notifications in the Aha platform creates a challenge in ensuring timely communication and notification of critical updates or changes to stakeholders. Without these features...
Convert the results of the capacity report into another UOM or allow export of capacity report data
What is the challenge? The capacity report is great at showing your team's and/or user's capacity month by month, and highlighting any capacity conflicts. However, you sometimes want to view your capacity in different ways. For example the report ...
Chris Quigley
6 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
ability to reference other fields within Aha record when using Draft with Ai
What is the challenge? When using draft with AI and basing the prompt on data that is already within Aha, it is necessary to have multiple windows or documents open in order to provide the prompt with the key points. What is the impact? The abilit...
Austin Wheat
11 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Add Product levels (product level 2, 3, 4, etc) to Linked Record data options in List reportss
Add Product levels (product level 2, 3, 4, etc) to Linked Record data options in List Reports For this request, we want to be able to select the different product levels for linked records in a list report or pivot table configuration (Equifax pri...
Benny Harris
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Load Description Field Template when Promoting an Idea to Epic
When promoting an idea to an Epic (or feature), the Description Field template you have associated with the Epic workflow does not load automatically. This presents a problem in that you are allowing a way to create an Epic that bypasses the disci...
Peter Bongiorno
almost 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
My team and I have started to use Teresa Torres' Opportunity Solution Trees to map out our product outcomes, opportunities, and solutions. We've found that the information is the same information we have in Aha (outcomes = goals; opportunities = i...
over 4 years ago
in Whiteboards
Likely to implement
Make it more clear dashboard filters need to be set on underlying reports
What is the challenge? When setting dashboard filters, they will not work unless the underlying reports in panels also have those filters added to the report. This could be confusing to users because if the underlying report filters are not set, t...
Vitaliy Dolbilov
4 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? To comply with company policy, user accounts created more than 90 days ago, and never used, need to be disabled. What is the impact? Non-compliance with company policy Describe your idea Add a filter to the Settings > Acc...
Dale Potter
4 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
link whiteboard object (x,y) position with field values
What is the challenge? When using a cost-benefit whiteboard to prioritize features it would be very helpful if the position i move a feature to was persisted to the feature card. What is the impact? This would make whiteboards part of actual work ...
Keith Murphy
6 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Allow ability to limit valid values in Feature fields to only display relevant values for the workspace.
When defining features in a workspace, you should only need access to utilize valid values from selected workspaces. Each workspace owner defines and reports on their valid values very differently. When all valid values from every workspace are di...
Karla Johnson
about 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration