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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by Peter Bongiorno
Created on Mar 18, 2022

Load Description Field Template when Promoting an Idea to Epic

When promoting an idea to an Epic (or feature), the Description Field template you have associated with the Epic workflow does not load automatically. This presents a problem in that you are allowing a way to create an Epic that bypasses the discipline of always introducing the standard template.

Request is to have the Description Field template associated with the Epic workflow to load when promoting and idea just as the Description Field template loads when you add an Epic from the Epic Board.

This will avoid tedious workarounds, such as asking and relying on the PM to copy the template or having the PM to first create the Epic from the Epic Board view and then go back to the Idea and promote it to what is now the existing Epic you just created.

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    • Guest
      Jun 25, 2024

      This would be a huge improvement in the operation. Spent a lot of time getting the Feature/Epic templates customized so that we have the information collected and able to be filtered when looking at features. Now when we promote and Idea none of the custom fields are there and we have to workaround these issues. Love the idea portal but this really hampers the promotion process. Almost easier to put the idea in a separate bucket and create a new feature, but then you lose all the great links. Please consider this, would be great to just have an option in the promotion process to pick a template to use. Thanks.

    • Shannon Gupta
      Jul 3, 2023

      This would help our product organization immensely, given most of our work begins as an Idea and is then promoted to features or epics.

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