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Add a full cycle product management in the process, including product design.

The cycle is great, but one key element is missing - it's the Product Design phase. I have to put it in "features" or "requirements", but design doesn't work like that. I'm unable to see/ demonstrate the work done by the design team, as there is n...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Application 3 Already exists

Keep Feature time logging and estimates separate values when shipping

At the moment when you moved a feature to shipped then the time recording changes to be the same as the estimate. So for example if I estimated 3 days, actually only took and recorded 2 days when I ship the feature the time taken changes to 3 days...
Nicola Hills over 9 years ago in Features 3 Already exists

Allow multiple people (like admins) to edit a report

Editing permissions are currently based on memberships in a product, there is no option to control them by individual users. In a situation when we have a critical report that we do not want everyone that is part of a product to edit, the only oth...
Tibi Duka-Kispal almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Manage external users to view presentations

We are looking to share a roadmap with external stakeholders from Aha. However, we want to control which external users can access in the case if an employee leaves on of our clients, we do not want them to retain access of our roadmap. Today, the...
Blake Falanga almost 2 years ago in Presentations 1 Already exists

Calculated Fields on More than Just List Reports

Please allow me to use 'calculated fields' in non-List report types. There's a great many times I want to report on derived data of some kind, however right now I can only use calculated fields in "List" reports. For example, I want to make a pie ...
Haddon Fisher almost 4 years ago in Reports 3 Already exists

Allow filtering by assignees in the releases overview

We manage several products at the same time Each products has several releases. Each member of our compagny is likely to work on several products. In the releases overview, I would like to see the features assigned to a specific user to check if...
Yannick Geffroy over 7 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists

Display all to do's to owner and assign primary assignee

Currently you only see to do's which you created or which you were assigned to you. As an owner, I want to see all to do's planned in my team, without having to be assigned. Currently I need to assign multiple people just to let them know that the...
Guest almost 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Allow multiple score cards per product

In my product I have different features that we use different score cards to evaluate the importance. E.g. Developing content from developing a platform feature. I would like to be able to choose which scorecard to use with each feature. I realize...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 4 Already exists

Add feature areas to organize product features

As a product manager I need feature areas so that I can manage and balance a large set of features more easily. It is difficult to gain overview and manage a large number of features without the concept of feature area. It is not enough to have th...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Fetch users by email in Aha! Users API

Just like GET /api/v1/users/:id it would be really useful and time saving that, instead of the id, the user email could also be sent.
Guest almost 6 years ago in User management 0 Already exists