As a user, I want to see the date I have selected as the start date when entering the end date, so I can easily see how long the phase is taking.
Currently, I enter the start and end dates of my phase in different calendar views. This means tha...
over 6 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Estimate Points on Requirement used for Parent Feature Remaining Effort should flip to 0 once set to Will not Do
Feature 1 is created in Aha * Effort = pull from child Requirements Feature 1 is pushed to ADO Requirement 1 is created in ADO * Linked up as a child of Feature 1 * Effort = 3p * Completed Points = 0p * Remaining Points = BLANK Aha is automaticall...
Alex B
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to hide the feature prefix/code on Feature Roadmap and Presentation Export
On the Feature Roadmap, where it lists the features included in a release, each Feature's Prefix/Code (e.g. DEMO-22) is displayed. This takes up a lot of room unnecessarily and should be able to be hidden if it's irrelevant for the purpose of the ...
about 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Currently from the Gantt chart for releases the option to "Color bars by assignee" only applies to features within each release while the release bars remain the same color. We often have multiple releases in flight at the same time, assigned to d...
Sam S
over 2 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
As someone with decent eye sight I find the font size to be too small.
In Aha it is often difficult to read text because the font size is too small. My eye sight is quite good. It must be especially hard for people with poor eyesight.
over 2 years ago
in Ideas research
Future consideration
As a product manager, I want to be able to expose custom field data in my feature cards because I'm organized around custom fields and not the standard fields.
I have pieces of data that are very important to me and my business, but aren't part of the standard Aha fields that features come with. It's great that I can create custom fields, but now that I have and have months of data pushed into those fiel...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
The interactive view functionality is helpful because it lets users drill-in to specific records on a shared view. After speaking with Aha! support, we determined that the drill-in functionality only works for fields that are directly associated w...
Ryan Bishop
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
User should be able to add record links in ideas portal for similar ideas
As a product manager I want to give my customers|internal stakeholders|community the possibility to set the record links on their own so that I can reduce internal efforts, avoid unnecessary comments and enhance user flexibility (finding and linki...
Benjamin Biermann
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration