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Multiple data series in charts

Essential to be able add additional data series in charts. Without this then we need to export data and use other tools.
Paul Dickie over 5 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow the selection and copy of text from a note without marking the note as updated

Currently anytime someone clicks into and selects text from a note, those watching the note get notified that the note was updated, when in reality all that happened was someone highlighted and copied text out of it. This gives a lot of false posi...
Matt Case over 4 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Option to show unique data points on a custom roadmap, rather than duplicates, when multiple fields are specified

Adding multiple fields to a cell in a custom roadmap report causes multiple repeating bars to be shown (one for each distinct value). See screenshot for illustration.It would be great if these values could be shown inline. Much like they are on th...
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Recycling bin for ignored integrations

IT would be great to have an undo or recycling bin for ignore integrations. It's happened on multiple occasions where someone accidently has one checked that they didn't mean to ignore. Along these lines, it would be nice to have an undo button fo...
Fatimah Gorin over 4 years ago in Application 3 Future consideration

Bulk delete users added through SSO who will not be allowed product access

We have several hundred users in Aha! who have been added because they saw the Aha! icon on our SSO portal and were curious to know more. This has built up over the recent weeks and requires a lot of effort to delete each user individually when th...
Chris Brooks over 5 years ago in Application 2 Future consideration

Able to sort on aggregate values in cells in pivot tables

Who would benefit? All users that view reports What impact would it make? Prevent exporting to Excel for simple aggregates How should it work? A user should be able to sort on the aggregated values in cells, like count, sum, etc. Apparently today,...
Matt Kalan 11 months ago in Reports 4 Already exists

Initiate polls or empathy sessions from AI Exploration themes

Who would benefit? Product managers exploring deeper insights about ideas that are related as identified by AI Exploration. What impact would it make? Expedite feedback in a very targeted manner to inform Product Managers of potential value of bui...
Bonnie Trei 11 months ago in Ideas research 0 Future consideration

Restricting email domains for self-registering Ideas portals

Who would benefit? B2B Ideas customers What impact would it make? Easier maintainability of Idea portal access How should it work? As B2B SaaS company working with an extensive partner network within a competitive space, I want to be able to add a...
Mats Hultgren 11 months ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Provide email notification capability to inform external stakeholder when release dates change

When we manage our roadmaps, managing the release date is most critical to our customers and partners. It would be very helpful to have reusable external watch lists (like already exciting on releases and other areas) and send them an email when t...
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

HTML Product Pages

Add the ability to paste HTML code in the WYSIWYG editor on Product Overview and Product Notes pages. Ultimate goal is to be able to create beautiful product pages.
Michael Morrison over 8 years ago in Notes 0 Unlikely to implement